Sophie's World

When I was a child I read a lot, now I just read for classes, I really miss read for fun but I don't know how to manage my times. I remember that I used to read a book called The Little Vampire written by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg. I have all the books of her. I hope you have read them too. And I read Harry Potter when I was younger too.
Well, then I grew up and I started to read novels of Julia Navarro, a spanish writer.
But I think my favourite book (now) is called Sophie's World written by Jostein Gaarder in 1991. The book is about a girl called Sophie who throught the mail recieved letters about the history of philosophy what were written by an unknown character.
I read this book when I was sixteen years old and innmediatly became in my favorite book. Two years later my mother gave it to me as a birthday gift. I think this book must be recommended to children in schools 'cause is an easy way to learn and understand philosophy.
I honestly read this book a lot of times, 'cause it makes me think about a lot things and is really funny. 


  1. ooooh My philosophy teacher read that book for our class and i love it but i didn't remember the name before this! aaa thanks

  2. I had never heard of that book but it sounds interesting!


  3. Ohhh! my sister in school had that book read last year, I didn't think she talked about philosophy


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